A Custom 1911 Trigger Job Requires Advanced Gunsmithing Skills

A 1911 Trigger Job is a Complicated Operation That Requires Advanced Gunsmithing Skills – 1911 Trigger Job Requires Advanced Gunsmithing

1911 trigger job

A good trigger job can be an important step in a pistol’s overall performance. But it’s a difficult task that requires advanced gunsmithing skills. I nother words, to get REAL action workdone properly, your 1911 trigger job requires sdvanced gunsmithing skills and tools.

1911 Trigger Job Requires Advanced Gunsmithing For  Custom 1911 Sear & Hammer Fitting

The 1911 pistol has a lot to offer, both in ergonomics and features. Its grip design makes target acquisition intuitive and the controls are right where they need to be. It’s an excellent pistol for learning to shoot, but the 1911 has some drawbacks as well.

One of the issues is the slide’s hammer-cocking action. Sometimes during the hammer-cocking cycle, the hammer doesn’t ride the slide into full cock until it’s caught by the grip safety. This forces the hammer to fall back on the sear, which isn’t engaged with the hammer hooks, until it gets back to full cock on its way back to battery.

This essentially adds undo tension to the sear spring, making it more difficult for the sear to be pulled into engagement with the hammer hooks. This is what causes the trigger pull to feel heavy and long when you shoot it.

Thankfully, the problem can be fixed. We need to get rid of the rough cut hammer and sear engagement surfaces and shorten the hammer hooks…a pro level trigger job.

Then, we use a Blue Dykem and check that the hammer hooks are bearing evenly on the sear at initial engagement and during hammer rotation. When we have done this, we then polish the hammer and sear engagement surfaces to bring them up to a high gloss finish. This is for pros only.

1911 Trigger Job Requires Advanced Gunsmithing Tools – Hammer & Sear Jig

A custom 1911 trigger job is a complicated and time-consuming operation that requires precision work. It involves setting and smoothing angles, comparing with hammer hooks, assembling, testing, and reworking the trigger until it is right and safe. A performance 1911 trigger job requires advanced gunsmithing skills and shop work. Often we’ll include a Wilson Combat trigger to save in costs to you; it’s sometimes faster and less expensive to custom fit these triggers than to start over. They make great parts as you know.

Some people attempt to do this on their own, which can be very dangerous if they remove too much metal from the hooks and sear face. Removing too much metal can cause the gun to fire unexpectedly or not catch during a trigger pull, which is a very serious problem.

The most accurate way we do this is with specialized sear and hammer fixtures. This allows a specialized stone to be held at an extremely precise angle. This enables the proper relief geometry to be created on the nose of the sear, which is essential for proper hammer hook engagement.

Our tooling jig also helps eliminate the guesswork and unsafe geometry that can result from trying to fit a new sear nose without a specialized tool. This often results in double fires and an unsafe gun. It does take some time getting used to and will always require a optical cullomnator for final inspection. It is very worth the money spent. The results are amazing! With this method, we will be able to safely create a flawlessly stoned surface that will give you a crisp trigger break and very smooth trigger pull.

Sear & Sear Jig Jig

Custom 1911 trigger jobs are one of the most sought after improvements for shooters looking to increase accuracy and performance in their 1911. A good quality trigger job will give a crisp, clean break that is both safe and consistent.

To achieve this, our Certified 1911 Pistolsmith must carefully blend and finish each part of the pistol so that it works in perfect harmony to give a smooth and reliable hammer let off. This is a time consuming process that requires the use of special fitting and finishing tools.

Luckily for you, our talented and knowledgeable Pistolsmith at LoneStar Gunsmithing in Princeton, Texas, has all the tools needed to make this process successful and accurate. This includes a high-quality, true PRO action job that enables you to enjoy a smoother, more consistently creep-free trigger pull than any machine operated method. After all, it is about feeland a mchine cannot feel.

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