An Historically Great Weapon: History of Glock Pistols
One of the most popular self defense tools today is the pistol. They are easy to use, fairly inexpensive, and extremely reliable in a wide variety of applications. In the past, there was only one style of pistol – a single action model. Over time, different styles of pistols were created and added features, such as using two hands, loading and ejecting magazines, sights, etc. Today, the Glock pistol is basically designed from an overall standard of just 35 pieces, making it much stronger, more dependable, and simpler to maintain than its older predecessors. This small gun is truly a unique weapon for personal and home defense.

Even though many people do not realize it, there are actually three different styles of Glock pistols. These include: antique style, model inspired by military models, and more modern firearms designed for personal protection. These three types have different styles and histories that vary widely from state to state.
The earliest style of Glock pistol (gen 1 model 17) was developed around a Austrian-designed gun. The basic frame is made of a polymer and has trigger buttons located on the front of the frame. It has a thumb-break feature for cocked and unlocked weapons and a magazine release button. They have the traditional magazine release lever and are one of the oldest types of Glock pistols still in production. This type is still available for sale or rent at your local shooting range.
Newer styles (second and third generations) are the older styled (previous generation as its called) Glock pistol. As the name implies, these are extremely popular with police departments. They feature a heavy duty mechanism with an open handle. They are nearly identical to the original German designed gun and were originally created for use by German military. Because of their high quality construction, they are also commonly used by body guards and security forces.
The most recent and common style of Glock pistol (fourth generation) is the service model, which is the most popular today. This type was originally designed as a main gun for officers. It is a semi-automatic, small-sized handheld weapon that was originally designed to be used by U.S. Marine Corps during World War Two. They have come a long way since then and are now commonly used by many law enforcement agencies and members of the armed forces.
The newer slimline design of Glock pistol offers a smaller overall size and a more compact feel. They are easier to conceal when the need arises. Most slimline Glocks are powered by the same type of internal spring, but they are able to utilize a different foot-print unit.
Glock pistols have always been known as one of the best defense weapons available and are still one of the most popular. They are a proven, highly effective defensive device that can compete with larger caliber handguns based on reliability alone. They are excellent for any personal protection purposes and are highly recommended by most law enforcement and military personnel. There are some restrictions in place on the purchase of this type of handgun in certain states.